using System; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Linq; using Finn; using Finn.AST; using ScopeStack = System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableStack>; using Resolutions = System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableDictionary; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Resolver { private static readonly Resolutions EmptyResolutions = Resolutions.Empty.WithComparers(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance); private Resolutions Resolutions = EmptyResolutions; public bool TryResolve(Expr expr, out int distance) { return Resolutions.TryGetValue(expr, out distance); } public void Add(Expr expr) { var newResolutions = ResolverBuilder.Instance.Resolve(ScopeStack.Empty, expr); Resolutions = Resolutions.AddRange(newResolutions); } private class ResolverBuilder : IExprVisitor { private class NameCollection { public ImmutableHashSet Names { get; private set; } = ImmutableHashSet.Empty; public void Add(Token name) { var value = (string)name.Literal!; if (Names.Contains(value)) { Program.error(name.Start, $"Duplicate name declared in scope: {name.Lexeme}"); } else { Names = Names.Add(value); } } } private class PatternNameCollector : IPatternVisitor { public readonly static PatternNameCollector Instance = new(); private static readonly ValueTuple Void = ValueTuple.Create(); private PatternNameCollector() { } public ValueTuple visitFieldPatternPattern(NameCollection names, FieldPattern field) { if (field.Pattern is null) { names.Add(field.Name); } else { field.Pattern.accept(names, this); } return Void; } public ValueTuple visitRecordPatternPattern(NameCollection names, RecordPattern record) { record.Rest?.accept(names, this); foreach (var field in record.Fields) { field.accept(names, this); } return Void; } public ValueTuple visitSimplePatternPattern(NameCollection names, SimplePattern simple) { if (simple.Identifier is not null) { names.Add(simple.Identifier); } return Void; } public ValueTuple visitVariantPatternPattern(NameCollection names, VariantPattern variant) { variant.Argument?.accept(names, this); return Void; } } public static readonly ResolverBuilder Instance = new ResolverBuilder(); private ResolverBuilder() { } private static Resolutions AddRange(Resolutions r1, Resolutions r2) => r1.AddRange(r2); public Resolutions Resolve(ScopeStack scopes, Expr expr) { return expr.accept(scopes, this); } private Resolutions Resolve(ScopeStack scopes, ImmutableHashSet newScope, Expr value) { return Resolve(scopes.Push(newScope), value); } public Resolutions visitBinaryExpr(ScopeStack scopes, Binary expr) { var left = Resolve(scopes, expr.Left); var right = Resolve(scopes, expr.Right); return left.AddRange(right); } public Resolutions visitCallExpr(ScopeStack scopes, Call expr) { return (from arg in expr.Arguments where arg is not null select Resolve(scopes, arg)) .Aggregate(Resolve(scopes, expr.Left), AddRange); } public Resolutions visitGroupingExpr(ScopeStack scopes, Grouping expr) { return Resolve(scopes, expr.Expression); } public Resolutions visitIfExpr(ScopeStack scopes, If expr) { var condition = Resolve(scopes, expr.Condition); var _then = Resolve(scopes, expr.Then); var _else = Resolve(scopes, expr.Else); return condition.AddRange(_then).AddRange(_else); } public Resolutions visitIndexerExpr(ScopeStack scopes, Indexer expr) { var left = Resolve(scopes, expr.Left); var index = Resolve(scopes, expr.Index); return left.AddRange(index); } public Resolutions visitLetExpr(ScopeStack scopes, Let expr) { var names = new NameCollection(); foreach (var binding in expr.Bindings) { switch (binding) { case FuncBinding fb: names.Add(fb.Name); break; case VarBinding vb: vb.Pattern.accept(names, PatternNameCollector.Instance); break; default: throw new Exception("wtf there are no other binding types"); } } var newScopes = scopes.Push(names.Names); // TODO Put the static constructivity check here. // For now, just check that a definition only uses names that come before it. // Note that this will preclude using shadowed variables in definitions. return (from binding in expr.Bindings select (binding switch { FuncBinding fb => ResolveFunction(newScopes, fb), VarBinding vb => Resolve(newScopes, vb.Value), _ => throw new Exception("wtf there are no other binding types"), })) .Aggregate(Resolve(newScopes, expr.Body), AddRange); } private Resolutions ResolveFunction(ScopeStack scopes, FuncBinding fb) { NameCollection names = new(); foreach (var param in fb.Params) { param.accept(names, PatternNameCollector.Instance); } return Resolve(scopes, names.Names, fb.Value); } public Resolutions visitListExpr(ScopeStack scopes, List expr) { return (from element in expr.Elements select Resolve(scopes, element)) .Aggregate(EmptyResolutions, AddRange); } public Resolutions visitLiteralExpr(ScopeStack scopes, Literal expr) { return EmptyResolutions; } public Resolutions visitRecordExpr(ScopeStack scopes, Record expr) { var resolutions = (from extension in expr.Extensions select Resolve(scopes, extension.Value)) .Aggregate(EmptyResolutions, AddRange); if (expr.Base is not null) { resolutions = resolutions.AddRange(Resolve(scopes, expr.Base.Value)); resolutions = (from update in expr.Base.Updates select Resolve(scopes, update.Value)) .Aggregate(resolutions, AddRange); } return resolutions; } public Resolutions visitSelectorExpr(ScopeStack scopes, Selector expr) { return Resolve(scopes, expr.Left); } public Resolutions visitSequenceExpr(ScopeStack scopes, Sequence expr) { return AddRange(Resolve(scopes, expr.Left), Resolve(scopes, expr.Right)); } public Resolutions visitUnaryExpr(ScopeStack scopes, Unary expr) { return Resolve(scopes, expr.Right); } public Resolutions visitVariableExpr(ScopeStack scopes, Variable expr) { int depth = 0; while (!scopes.IsEmpty) { scopes = scopes.Pop(out var scope); if (scope.Contains((string)expr.Value.Literal!)) { return EmptyResolutions.Add(expr, depth); } depth++; } // At this point, it must be a global. I don't like that we leave that resolution for runtime. // TODO Don't leave that resolution for runtime. // But I think that can wait until I make the resolver nameless. return EmptyResolutions.Add(expr, depth); } public Resolutions visitVariantExpr(ScopeStack scopes, Variant expr) { if (expr.Argument is not null) { return Resolve(scopes, expr.Argument); } return EmptyResolutions; } public Resolutions visitWhenExpr(ScopeStack scopes, When expr) { return (from _case in expr.Cases select ResolveCase(_case)) .Aggregate(Resolve(scopes, expr.Head), AddRange); Resolutions ResolveCase(VarBinding _case) { var names = new NameCollection(); _case.Pattern.accept(names, PatternNameCollector.Instance); return Resolve(scopes, names.Names, _case.Value); } } } }