{{/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense */ -}} {{define "fparams" -}} {{with $max := .}}{{range .Count}} f{{.}} func(T{{.}}) Parser[In, {{if eq . $max}}Out{{else}}T{{.Next}}{{end}}], {{end}}{{end}}{{end -}} {{define "func" -}} {{if eq . 1}}// Bind combines p with a parser created by f that depends on p's result value. {{- else}}// Bind{{.}} is equivalent to {{.}} nested calls to Bind.{{end}} func Bind{{.}}[In, Out{{range .Count}}, T{{.}}{{end}} any]( p Parser[In, T], {{template "fparams" .}}) Parser[In, Out] { return func(s State[In]) (Result[In, Out], error) { var anyConsumed bool var next = s {{range .Next.Count}} r{{.}}, err := {{if eq . 1}}p(next){{else}}f{{.Prev}}(val{{.Prev}})(next){{end}} if err != nil { return Result[In, Out]{}, err } anyConsumed = anyConsumed || r{{.}}.Consumed() if r{{.}}.Failed() { return Fail[In, Out](anyConsumed, r{{.}}.Message()), nil } _, val{{.}}, next := r{{.}}.Succeeded() {{end}} return Succeed(anyConsumed, val{{.Next}}, next, MessageOK(s.Pos())), nil } }{{end -}} // GENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense package {{.Package}} {{range .Count}} {{template "func" .}} {{end}}