#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "X11WindowData.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWindowData g_window_data = { 0 }; extern void stretch_image(uint32_t *srcImage, uint32_t srcX, uint32_t srcY, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcPitch, uint32_t *dstImage, uint32_t dstX, uint32_t dstY, uint32_t dstWidth, uint32_t dstHeight, uint32_t dstPitch); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int mfb_open_ex(const char* title, int width, int height, int flags) { int depth, i, formatCount, convDepth = -1; XPixmapFormatValues* formats; XSetWindowAttributes windowAttributes; XSizeHints sizeHints; Visual* visual; g_window_data.display = XOpenDisplay(0); if (!g_window_data.display) return -1; init_keycodes(); g_window_data.screen = DefaultScreen(g_window_data.display); visual = DefaultVisual(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.screen); formats = XListPixmapFormats(g_window_data.display, &formatCount); depth = DefaultDepth(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.screen); Window defaultRootWindow = DefaultRootWindow(g_window_data.display); for (i = 0; i < formatCount; ++i) { if (depth == formats[i].depth) { convDepth = formats[i].bits_per_pixel; break; } } XFree(formats); // We only support 32-bit right now if (convDepth != 32) { XCloseDisplay(g_window_data.display); return -1; } int screenWidth = DisplayWidth(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.screen); int screenHeight = DisplayHeight(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.screen); windowAttributes.border_pixel = BlackPixel(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.screen); windowAttributes.background_pixel = BlackPixel(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.screen); windowAttributes.backing_store = NotUseful; int posX, posY; int windowWidth, windowHeight; g_window_data.window_width = width; g_window_data.window_height = height; g_window_data.buffer_width = width; g_window_data.buffer_height = height; g_window_data.dst_offset_x = 0; g_window_data.dst_offset_y = 0; g_window_data.dst_width = width; g_window_data.dst_height = height; if (flags & WF_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP) { posX = 0; posY = 0; windowWidth = screenWidth; windowHeight = screenHeight; } else { posX = (screenWidth - width) / 2; posY = (screenHeight - height) / 2; windowWidth = width; windowHeight = height; } g_window_data.window = XCreateWindow( g_window_data.display, defaultRootWindow, posX, posY, windowWidth, windowHeight, 0, depth, InputOutput, visual, CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWBackingStore, &windowAttributes); if (!g_window_data.window) return 0; XSelectInput(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.window, KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask | FocusChangeMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask ); XStoreName(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.window, title); if (flags & WF_BORDERLESS) { struct StyleHints { unsigned long flags; unsigned long functions; unsigned long decorations; long inputMode; unsigned long status; } sh = { .flags = 2, .functions = 0, .decorations = 0, .inputMode = 0, .status = 0, }; Atom sh_p = XInternAtom(g_window_data.display, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", True); XChangeProperty(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.window, sh_p, sh_p, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&sh, 5); } if (flags & WF_ALWAYS_ON_TOP) { Atom sa_p = XInternAtom(g_window_data.display, "_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE", False); XChangeProperty(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.window, XInternAtom(g_window_data.display, "_NET_WM_STATE", False), XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&sa_p, 1); } if (flags & WF_FULLSCREEN) { Atom sf_p = XInternAtom(g_window_data.display, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", True); XChangeProperty(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.window, XInternAtom(g_window_data.display, "_NET_WM_STATE", True), XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&sf_p, 1); } sizeHints.flags = PPosition | PMinSize | PMaxSize; sizeHints.x = 0; sizeHints.y = 0; sizeHints.min_width = width; sizeHints.min_height = height; if(flags & WF_RESIZABLE) { sizeHints.max_width = screenWidth; sizeHints.max_height = screenHeight; } else { sizeHints.max_width = width; sizeHints.max_height = height; } XSetWMNormalHints(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.window, &sizeHints); XClearWindow(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.window); XMapRaised(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.window); XFlush(g_window_data.display); g_window_data.gc = DefaultGC(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.screen); g_window_data.image = XCreateImage(g_window_data.display, CopyFromParent, depth, ZPixmap, 0, NULL, width, height, 32, width * 4); if (g_keyboard_func == 0x0) { mfb_keyboard_callback(keyboard_default); } printf("Window created using X11 API\n"); return 1; } int mfb_open(const char* title, int width, int height) { return mfb_open_ex(title, width, height, 0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int translate_key(int scancode); int translate_mod(int state); int translate_mod_ex(int key, int state, int is_pressed); static int processEvents() { XEvent event; while ((g_window_data.close == false) && XPending(g_window_data.display)) { XNextEvent(g_window_data.display, &event); switch (event.type) { case KeyPress: case KeyRelease: { int kb_key = translate_key(event.xkey.keycode); int is_pressed = (event.type == KeyPress); g_window_data.mod_keys = translate_mod_ex(kb_key, event.xkey.state, is_pressed); kCall(g_keyboard_func, kb_key, g_window_data.mod_keys, is_pressed); } break; case ButtonPress: case ButtonRelease: { MouseButton button = event.xbutton.button; int is_pressed = (event.type == ButtonPress); g_window_data.mod_keys = translate_mod(event.xkey.state); switch (button) { case Button1: case Button2: case Button3: kCall(g_mouse_btn_func, button, g_window_data.mod_keys, is_pressed); break; case Button4: kCall(g_mouse_wheel_func, g_window_data.mod_keys, 0.0f, 1.0f); break; case Button5: kCall(g_mouse_wheel_func, g_window_data.mod_keys, 0.0f, -1.0f); break; case 6: kCall(g_mouse_wheel_func, g_window_data.mod_keys, 1.0f, 0.0f); break; case 7: kCall(g_mouse_wheel_func, g_window_data.mod_keys, -1.0f, 0.0f); break; default: kCall(g_mouse_btn_func, button - 4, g_window_data.mod_keys, is_pressed); break; } } break; case MotionNotify: kCall(g_mouse_move_func, event.xmotion.x, event.xmotion.y); break; case ConfigureNotify: { g_window_data.window_width = event.xconfigure.width; g_window_data.window_height = event.xconfigure.height; g_window_data.dst_offset_x = 0; g_window_data.dst_offset_y = 0; g_window_data.dst_width = g_window_data.window_width; g_window_data.dst_height = g_window_data.window_height; XClearWindow(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.window); kCall(g_resize_func, g_window_data.window_width, g_window_data.window_height); } break; case EnterNotify: case LeaveNotify: break; case FocusIn: kCall(g_active_func, true); break; case FocusOut: kCall(g_active_func, false); break; case DestroyNotify: return -1; break; } } if(g_window_data.close == true) return -1; return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int mfb_update(void* buffer) { if (buffer == 0x0) { return -2; } if (g_window_data.buffer_width != g_window_data.dst_width || g_window_data.buffer_height != g_window_data.dst_height) { if(g_window_data.image_scaler_width != g_window_data.dst_width || g_window_data.image_scaler_height != g_window_data.dst_height) { if(g_window_data.image_scaler != 0x0) { g_window_data.image_scaler->data = 0x0; XDestroyImage(g_window_data.image_scaler); } if(g_window_data.image_buffer != 0x0) { free(g_window_data.image_buffer); g_window_data.image_buffer = 0x0; } int depth = DefaultDepth(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.screen); g_window_data.image_buffer = malloc(g_window_data.dst_width * g_window_data.dst_height * 4); g_window_data.image_scaler_width = g_window_data.dst_width; g_window_data.image_scaler_height = g_window_data.dst_height; g_window_data.image_scaler = XCreateImage(g_window_data.display, CopyFromParent, depth, ZPixmap, 0, NULL, g_window_data.image_scaler_width, g_window_data.image_scaler_height, 32, g_window_data.image_scaler_width * 4); } } if(g_window_data.image_scaler != 0x0) { stretch_image(buffer, 0, 0, g_window_data.buffer_width, g_window_data.buffer_height, g_window_data.buffer_width, g_window_data.image_buffer, 0, 0, g_window_data.dst_width, g_window_data.dst_height, g_window_data.dst_width); g_window_data.image_scaler->data = g_window_data.image_buffer; XPutImage(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.window, g_window_data.gc, g_window_data.image_scaler, 0, 0, g_window_data.dst_offset_x, g_window_data.dst_offset_y, g_window_data.dst_width, g_window_data.dst_height); } else { g_window_data.image->data = (char *) buffer; XPutImage(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.window, g_window_data.gc, g_window_data.image, 0, 0, g_window_data.dst_offset_x, g_window_data.dst_offset_y, g_window_data.dst_width, g_window_data.dst_height); } XFlush(g_window_data.display); if (processEvents() < 0) return -1; return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void mfb_close(void) { if(g_window_data.image != 0x0) { g_window_data.image->data = 0x0; XDestroyImage(g_window_data.image); XDestroyWindow(g_window_data.display, g_window_data.window); XCloseDisplay(g_window_data.display); g_window_data.image = 0x0; g_window_data.display = 0x0; g_window_data.window = 0; } g_window_data.close = true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern short int keycodes[512]; static int translateKeyCodeB(int keySym) { switch (keySym) { case XK_KP_0: return KB_KEY_KP_0; case XK_KP_1: return KB_KEY_KP_1; case XK_KP_2: return KB_KEY_KP_2; case XK_KP_3: return KB_KEY_KP_3; case XK_KP_4: return KB_KEY_KP_4; case XK_KP_5: return KB_KEY_KP_5; case XK_KP_6: return KB_KEY_KP_6; case XK_KP_7: return KB_KEY_KP_7; case XK_KP_8: return KB_KEY_KP_8; case XK_KP_9: return KB_KEY_KP_9; case XK_KP_Separator: case XK_KP_Decimal: return KB_KEY_KP_DECIMAL; case XK_KP_Equal: return KB_KEY_KP_EQUAL; case XK_KP_Enter: return KB_KEY_KP_ENTER; } return KB_KEY_UNKNOWN; } static int translateKeyCodeA(int keySym) { switch (keySym) { case XK_Escape: return KB_KEY_ESCAPE; case XK_Tab: return KB_KEY_TAB; case XK_Shift_L: return KB_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT; case XK_Shift_R: return KB_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT; case XK_Control_L: return KB_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL; case XK_Control_R: return KB_KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL; case XK_Meta_L: case XK_Alt_L: return KB_KEY_LEFT_ALT; case XK_Mode_switch: // Mapped to Alt_R on many keyboards case XK_ISO_Level3_Shift: // AltGr on at least some machines case XK_Meta_R: case XK_Alt_R: return KB_KEY_RIGHT_ALT; case XK_Super_L: return KB_KEY_LEFT_SUPER; case XK_Super_R: return KB_KEY_RIGHT_SUPER; case XK_Menu: return KB_KEY_MENU; case XK_Num_Lock: return KB_KEY_NUM_LOCK; case XK_Caps_Lock: return KB_KEY_CAPS_LOCK; case XK_Print: return KB_KEY_PRINT_SCREEN; case XK_Scroll_Lock: return KB_KEY_SCROLL_LOCK; case XK_Pause: return KB_KEY_PAUSE; case XK_Delete: return KB_KEY_DELETE; case XK_BackSpace: return KB_KEY_BACKSPACE; case XK_Return: return KB_KEY_ENTER; case XK_Home: return KB_KEY_HOME; case XK_End: return KB_KEY_END; case XK_Page_Up: return KB_KEY_PAGE_UP; case XK_Page_Down: return KB_KEY_PAGE_DOWN; case XK_Insert: return KB_KEY_INSERT; case XK_Left: return KB_KEY_LEFT; case XK_Right: return KB_KEY_RIGHT; case XK_Down: return KB_KEY_DOWN; case XK_Up: return KB_KEY_UP; case XK_F1: return KB_KEY_F1; case XK_F2: return KB_KEY_F2; case XK_F3: return KB_KEY_F3; case XK_F4: return KB_KEY_F4; case XK_F5: return KB_KEY_F5; case XK_F6: return KB_KEY_F6; case XK_F7: return KB_KEY_F7; case XK_F8: return KB_KEY_F8; case XK_F9: return KB_KEY_F9; case XK_F10: return KB_KEY_F10; case XK_F11: return KB_KEY_F11; case XK_F12: return KB_KEY_F12; case XK_F13: return KB_KEY_F13; case XK_F14: return KB_KEY_F14; case XK_F15: return KB_KEY_F15; case XK_F16: return KB_KEY_F16; case XK_F17: return KB_KEY_F17; case XK_F18: return KB_KEY_F18; case XK_F19: return KB_KEY_F19; case XK_F20: return KB_KEY_F20; case XK_F21: return KB_KEY_F21; case XK_F22: return KB_KEY_F22; case XK_F23: return KB_KEY_F23; case XK_F24: return KB_KEY_F24; case XK_F25: return KB_KEY_F25; // Numeric keypad case XK_KP_Divide: return KB_KEY_KP_DIVIDE; case XK_KP_Multiply: return KB_KEY_KP_MULTIPLY; case XK_KP_Subtract: return KB_KEY_KP_SUBTRACT; case XK_KP_Add: return KB_KEY_KP_ADD; // These should have been detected in secondary keysym test above! case XK_KP_Insert: return KB_KEY_KP_0; case XK_KP_End: return KB_KEY_KP_1; case XK_KP_Down: return KB_KEY_KP_2; case XK_KP_Page_Down: return KB_KEY_KP_3; case XK_KP_Left: return KB_KEY_KP_4; case XK_KP_Right: return KB_KEY_KP_6; case XK_KP_Home: return KB_KEY_KP_7; case XK_KP_Up: return KB_KEY_KP_8; case XK_KP_Page_Up: return KB_KEY_KP_9; case XK_KP_Delete: return KB_KEY_KP_DECIMAL; case XK_KP_Equal: return KB_KEY_KP_EQUAL; case XK_KP_Enter: return KB_KEY_KP_ENTER; // Last resort: Check for printable keys (should not happen if the XKB // extension is available). This will give a layout dependent mapping // (which is wrong, and we may miss some keys, especially on non-US // keyboards), but it's better than nothing... case XK_a: return KB_KEY_A; case XK_b: return KB_KEY_B; case XK_c: return KB_KEY_C; case XK_d: return KB_KEY_D; case XK_e: return KB_KEY_E; case XK_f: return KB_KEY_F; case XK_g: return KB_KEY_G; case XK_h: return KB_KEY_H; case XK_i: return KB_KEY_I; case XK_j: return KB_KEY_J; case XK_k: return KB_KEY_K; case XK_l: return KB_KEY_L; case XK_m: return KB_KEY_M; case XK_n: return KB_KEY_N; case XK_o: return KB_KEY_O; case XK_p: return KB_KEY_P; case XK_q: return KB_KEY_Q; case XK_r: return KB_KEY_R; case XK_s: return KB_KEY_S; case XK_t: return KB_KEY_T; case XK_u: return KB_KEY_U; case XK_v: return KB_KEY_V; case XK_w: return KB_KEY_W; case XK_x: return KB_KEY_X; case XK_y: return KB_KEY_Y; case XK_z: return KB_KEY_Z; case XK_1: return KB_KEY_1; case XK_2: return KB_KEY_2; case XK_3: return KB_KEY_3; case XK_4: return KB_KEY_4; case XK_5: return KB_KEY_5; case XK_6: return KB_KEY_6; case XK_7: return KB_KEY_7; case XK_8: return KB_KEY_8; case XK_9: return KB_KEY_9; case XK_0: return KB_KEY_0; case XK_space: return KB_KEY_SPACE; case XK_minus: return KB_KEY_MINUS; case XK_equal: return KB_KEY_EQUAL; case XK_bracketleft: return KB_KEY_LEFT_BRACKET; case XK_bracketright: return KB_KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET; case XK_backslash: return KB_KEY_BACKSLASH; case XK_semicolon: return KB_KEY_SEMICOLON; case XK_apostrophe: return KB_KEY_APOSTROPHE; case XK_grave: return KB_KEY_GRAVE_ACCENT; case XK_comma: return KB_KEY_COMMA; case XK_period: return KB_KEY_PERIOD; case XK_slash: return KB_KEY_SLASH; case XK_less: return KB_KEY_WORLD_1; // At least in some layouts... default: break; } return KB_KEY_UNKNOWN; } void init_keycodes() { size_t i; int keySym; // Clear keys for (i = 0; i < sizeof(keycodes) / sizeof(keycodes[0]); ++i) keycodes[i] = KB_KEY_UNKNOWN; // Valid key code range is [8,255], according to the Xlib manual for(int i=8; i<=255; ++i) { // Try secondary keysym, for numeric keypad keys keySym = XkbKeycodeToKeysym(g_window_data.display, i, 0, 1); keycodes[i] = translateKeyCodeB(keySym); if(keycodes[i] == KB_KEY_UNKNOWN) { keySym = XkbKeycodeToKeysym(g_window_data.display, i, 0, 0); keycodes[i] = translateKeyCodeA(keySym); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int translate_key(int scancode) { if (scancode < 0 || scancode > 255) return KB_KEY_UNKNOWN; return keycodes[scancode]; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int translate_mod(int state) { int mod_keys = 0; if (state & ShiftMask) mod_keys |= KB_MOD_SHIFT; if (state & ControlMask) mod_keys |= KB_MOD_CONTROL; if (state & Mod1Mask) mod_keys |= KB_MOD_ALT; if (state & Mod4Mask) mod_keys |= KB_MOD_SUPER; if (state & LockMask) mod_keys |= KB_MOD_CAPS_LOCK; if (state & Mod2Mask) mod_keys |= KB_MOD_NUM_LOCK; return mod_keys; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int translate_mod_ex(int key, int state, int is_pressed) { int mod_keys = 0; mod_keys = translate_mod(state); switch (key) { case KB_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT: case KB_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT: if(is_pressed) mod_keys |= KB_MOD_SHIFT; else mod_keys &= ~KB_MOD_SHIFT; break; case KB_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL: case KB_KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL: if(is_pressed) mod_keys |= KB_MOD_CONTROL; else mod_keys &= ~KB_MOD_CONTROL; break; case KB_KEY_LEFT_ALT: case KB_KEY_RIGHT_ALT: if(is_pressed) mod_keys |= KB_MOD_ALT; else mod_keys &= ~KB_MOD_ALT; break; case KB_KEY_LEFT_SUPER: case KB_KEY_RIGHT_SUPER: if(is_pressed) mod_keys |= KB_MOD_SUPER; else mod_keys &= ~KB_MOD_SUPER; break; } return mod_keys; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void keyboard_default(void *user_data, Key key, KeyMod mod, bool isPressed) { kUnused(user_data); kUnused(mod); kUnused(isPressed); if (key == KB_KEY_ESCAPE) { g_window_data.close = true; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool mfb_set_viewport(unsigned offset_x, unsigned offset_y, unsigned width, unsigned height) { if(offset_x + width > g_window_data.window_width) { return false; } if(offset_y + height > g_window_data.window_height) { return false; } g_window_data.dst_offset_x = offset_x; g_window_data.dst_offset_y = offset_y; g_window_data.dst_width = width; g_window_data.dst_height = height; return true; }