2020-04-26 19:50:53 +02:00

217 lines
6.9 KiB

#include <MiniFB.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#define kPI 3.14159265358979323846f
#define kUnused(var) (void) var;
#define WIDTH_A 800
#define HEIGHT_A 600
static unsigned int g_buffer_a[WIDTH_A * HEIGHT_A];
#define WIDTH_B 320
#define HEIGHT_B 240
static unsigned int g_buffer_b[WIDTH_B * HEIGHT_B];
active(struct mfb_window *window, bool isActive) {
const char *window_title = "";
if(window) {
window_title = (const char *) mfb_get_user_data(window);
fprintf(stdout, "%s > active: %d\n", window_title, isActive);
resize(struct mfb_window *window, int width, int height) {
const char *window_title = "";
if(window) {
window_title = (const char *) mfb_get_user_data(window);
fprintf(stdout, "%s > resize: %d, %d\n", window_title, width, height);
keyboard(struct mfb_window *window, mfb_key key, mfb_key_mod mod, bool isPressed) {
const char *window_title = "";
if(window) {
window_title = (const char *) mfb_get_user_data(window);
fprintf(stdout, "%s > keyboard: key: %s (pressed: %d) [key_mod: %x]\n", window_title, mfb_get_key_name(key), isPressed, mod);
if(key == KB_KEY_ESCAPE) {
char_input(struct mfb_window *window, unsigned int charCode) {
const char *window_title = "";
if(window) {
window_title = (const char *) mfb_get_user_data(window);
fprintf(stdout, "%s > charCode: %d\n", window_title, charCode);
mouse_btn(struct mfb_window *window, mfb_mouse_button button, mfb_key_mod mod, bool isPressed) {
const char *window_title = "";
if(window) {
window_title = (const char *) mfb_get_user_data(window);
fprintf(stdout, "%s > mouse_btn: button: %d (pressed: %d) [key_mod: %x]\n", window_title, button, isPressed, mod);
mouse_move(struct mfb_window *window, int x, int y) {
// const char *window_title = "";
// if(window) {
// window_t(const char *) itle = mfb_get_user_data(window);
// }
//fprintf(stdout, "%s > mouse_move: %d, %d\n", window_title, x, y);
mouse_scroll(struct mfb_window *window, mfb_key_mod mod, float deltaX, float deltaY) {
const char *window_title = "";
if(window) {
window_title = (const char *) mfb_get_user_data(window);
fprintf(stdout, "%s > mouse_scroll: x: %f, y: %f [key_mod: %x]\n", window_title, deltaX, deltaY, mod);
int noise, carry, seed = 0xbeef;
struct mfb_window *window_a = mfb_open_ex("Multiple Windows Test", WIDTH_A, HEIGHT_A, WF_RESIZABLE);
if (!window_a)
return 0;
mfb_set_active_callback(window_a, active);
mfb_set_resize_callback(window_a, resize);
mfb_set_keyboard_callback(window_a, keyboard);
mfb_set_char_input_callback(window_a, char_input);
mfb_set_mouse_button_callback(window_a, mouse_btn);
mfb_set_mouse_move_callback(window_a, mouse_move);
mfb_set_mouse_scroll_callback(window_a, mouse_scroll);
mfb_set_user_data(window_a, (void *) "Window A");
mfb_set_viewport(window_a, 25, 25, WIDTH_A-50, HEIGHT_A-50);
struct mfb_window *window_b = mfb_open_ex("Secondary Window", WIDTH_B, HEIGHT_B, WF_RESIZABLE);
if (!window_b)
return 0;
mfb_set_active_callback(window_b, active);
mfb_set_resize_callback(window_b, resize);
mfb_set_keyboard_callback(window_b, keyboard);
mfb_set_char_input_callback(window_b, char_input);
mfb_set_mouse_button_callback(window_b, mouse_btn);
mfb_set_mouse_move_callback(window_b, mouse_move);
mfb_set_mouse_scroll_callback(window_b, mouse_scroll);
mfb_set_user_data(window_b, (void *) "Window B");
// Generate pallete for plasma effect
uint32_t pallete[512];
float inc = 90.0f / 64.0f;
for(uint32_t c=0; c<64; ++c) {
int32_t col = (int32_t) ((255.0f * sinf(c * inc * kPI / 180.0f)) + 0.5f);
pallete[64*0 + c] = MFB_RGB(col, 0, 0);
pallete[64*1 + c] = MFB_RGB(255, col, 0);
pallete[64*2 + c] = MFB_RGB(255-col, 255, 0);
pallete[64*3 + c] = MFB_RGB(0, 255, col);
pallete[64*4 + c] = MFB_RGB(0, 255-col, 255);
pallete[64*5 + c] = MFB_RGB(col, 0, 255);
pallete[64*6 + c] = MFB_RGB(255, 0, 255-col);
pallete[64*7 + c] = MFB_RGB(255-col, 0, 0);
float time = 0;
for (;;)
int i, x, y;
float dx, dy, time_x, time_y;
int index;
mfb_update_state state_a, state_b;
if(window_a != 0x0) {
for (i = 0; i < WIDTH_A * HEIGHT_A; ++i)
noise = seed;
noise >>= 3;
noise ^= seed;
carry = noise & 1;
noise >>= 1;
seed >>= 1;
seed |= (carry << 30);
noise &= 0xFF;
g_buffer_a[i] = MFB_RGB(noise, noise, noise);
state_a = mfb_update(window_a, g_buffer_a);
if (state_a != STATE_OK) {
window_a = 0x0;
if(window_b != 0x0) {
time_x = sinf(time * kPI / 180.0f);
time_y = cosf(time * kPI / 180.0f);
i = 0;
for(y=0; y<HEIGHT_B; ++y) {
dy = cosf((y * time_y) * kPI / 180.0f); // [-1, 1]
for(x=0; x<WIDTH_B; ++x) {
dx = sinf((x * time_x) * kPI / 180.0f); // [-1, 1]
index = (int) ((2.0f + dx + dy) * 0.25f * 511.0f); // [0, 511]
g_buffer_b[i++] = pallete[index];
time += 0.1f;
state_b = mfb_update(window_b, g_buffer_b);
if (state_b != STATE_OK) {
window_b = 0x0;
if(window_a == 0x0 && window_b == 0x0) {
// Don't need to do this for both windows in the same thread
if(window_a != 0x0) {
if(mfb_wait_sync(window_a) == false) {
window_a = 0x0;
else if(window_b != 0x0) {
if(mfb_wait_sync(window_b) == false) {
window_b = 0x0;
return 0;