--[[ Minimal test framework for Lua. lester - v0.1.5 - 18/Oct/2023 Eduardo Bart - edub4rt@gmail.com https://github.com/edubart/lester Minimal Lua test framework. See end of file for LICENSE. ]] --[[-- Lester is a minimal unit testing framework for Lua with a focus on being simple to use. ## Features * Minimal, just one file. * Self contained, no external dependencies. * Simple and hackable when needed. * Use `describe` and `it` blocks to describe tests. * Supports `before` and `after` handlers. * Colored output. * Configurable via the script or with environment variables. * Quiet mode, to use in live development. * Optionally filter tests by name. * Show traceback on errors. * Show time to complete tests. * Works with Lua 5.1+. * Efficient. ## Usage Copy `lester.lua` file to a project and require it, which returns a table that includes all of the functionality: ```lua local lester = require 'lester' local describe, it, expect = lester.describe, lester.it, lester.expect -- Customize lester configuration. lester.show_traceback = false -- Parse arguments from command line. lester.parse_args() describe('my project', function() lester.before(function() -- This function is run before every test. end) describe('module1', function() -- Describe blocks can be nested. it('feature1', function() expect.equal('something', 'something') -- Pass. end) it('feature2', function() expect.truthy(false) -- Fail. end) local feature3_test_enabled = false it('feature3', function() -- This test will be skipped. expect.truthy(false) -- Fail. end, feature3_test_enabled) end) end) lester.report() -- Print overall statistic of the tests run. lester.exit() -- Exit with success if all tests passed. ``` ## Customizing output with environment variables To customize the output of lester externally, you can set the following environment variables before running a test suite: * `LESTER_QUIET="true"`, omit print of passed tests. * `LESTER_COLOR="false"`, disable colored output. * `LESTER_SHOW_TRACEBACK="false"`, disable traceback on test failures. * `LESTER_SHOW_ERROR="false"`, omit print of error description of failed tests. * `LESTER_STOP_ON_FAIL="true"`, stop on first test failure. * `LESTER_UTF8TERM="false"`, disable printing of UTF-8 characters. * `LESTER_FILTER="some text"`, filter the tests that should be run. Note that these configurations can be changed via script too, check the documentation. ## Customizing output with command line arguments You can also customize output using command line arguments if `lester.parse_args()` is called at startup. The following command line arguments are available: * `--quiet`, omit print of passed tests. * `--no-quiet`, show print of passed tests. * `--no-color`, disable colored output. * `--no-show-traceback`, disable traceback on test failures. * `--no-show-error`, omit print of error description of failed tests. * `--stop-on-fail`, stop on first test failure. * `--no-utf8term`, disable printing of UTF-8 characters. * `--filter="some text"`, filter the tests that should be run. ]] -- Returns whether the terminal supports UTF-8 characters. local function is_utf8term() local lang = os.getenv('LANG') return (lang and lang:lower():match('utf%-?8$')) and true or false end -- Returns whether a system environment variable is "true". local function getboolenv(varname, default) local val = os.getenv(varname) if val == 'true' then return true elseif val == 'false' then return false end return default end -- The lester module. local lester = { --- Whether lines of passed tests should not be printed. False by default. quiet = getboolenv('LESTER_QUIET', false), --- Whether the output should be colorized. True by default. color = getboolenv('LESTER_COLOR', true), --- Whether a traceback must be shown on test failures. True by default. show_traceback = getboolenv('LESTER_SHOW_TRACEBACK', true), --- Whether the error description of a test failure should be shown. True by default. show_error = getboolenv('LESTER_SHOW_ERROR', true), --- Whether test suite should exit on first test failure. False by default. stop_on_fail = getboolenv('LESTER_STOP_ON_FAIL', false), --- Whether we can print UTF-8 characters to the terminal. True by default when supported. utf8term = getboolenv('LESTER_UTF8TERM', is_utf8term()), --- A string with a lua pattern to filter tests. Nil by default. filter = os.getenv('LESTER_FILTER') or '', --- Function to retrieve time in seconds with milliseconds precision, `os.clock` by default. seconds = os.clock, } -- Variables used internally for the lester state. local lester_start = nil local last_succeeded = false local level = 0 local successes = 0 local total_successes = 0 local failures = 0 local total_failures = 0 local skipped = 0 local total_skipped = 0 local start = 0 local befores = {} local afters = {} local names = {} -- Color codes. local color_codes = { reset = string.char(27) .. '[0m', bright = string.char(27) .. '[1m', red = string.char(27) .. '[31m', green = string.char(27) .. '[32m', yellow = string.char(27) .. '[33m', blue = string.char(27) .. '[34m', magenta = string.char(27) .. '[35m', } local quiet_o_char = string.char(226, 151, 143) -- Colors table, returning proper color code if color mode is enabled. local colors = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, key) return lester.color and color_codes[key] or '' end}) --- Table of terminal colors codes, can be customized. lester.colors = colors -- Parse command line arguments from `arg` table. -- It `arg` is nil then the global `arg` is used. function lester.parse_args(arg) for _,opt in ipairs(arg or _G.arg) do local name, value if opt:find('^%-%-filter') then name = 'filter' value = opt:match('^%-%-filter%=(.*)$') elseif opt:find('^%-%-no%-[a-z0-9-]+$') then name = opt:match('^%-%-no%-([a-z0-9-]+)$'):gsub('-','_') value = false elseif opt:find('^%-%-[a-z0-9-]+$') then name = opt:match('^%-%-([a-z0-9-]+)$'):gsub('-','_') value = true end if value ~= nil and lester[name] ~= nil and (type(lester[name]) == 'boolean' or type(lester[name]) == 'string') then lester[name] = value end end end --- Describe a block of tests, which consists in a set of tests. -- Describes can be nested. -- @param name A string used to describe the block. -- @param func A function containing all the tests or other describes. function lester.describe(name, func) if level == 0 then -- Get start time for top level describe blocks. failures = 0 successes = 0 skipped = 0 start = lester.seconds() if not lester_start then lester_start = start end end -- Setup describe block variables. level = level + 1 names[level] = name -- Run the describe block. func() -- Cleanup describe block. afters[level] = nil befores[level] = nil names[level] = nil level = level - 1 -- Pretty print statistics for top level describe block. if level == 0 and not lester.quiet and (successes > 0 or failures > 0) then local io_write = io.write local colors_reset, colors_green = colors.reset, colors.green io_write(failures == 0 and colors_green or colors.red, '[====] ', colors.magenta, name, colors_reset, ' | ', colors_green, successes, colors_reset, ' successes / ') if skipped > 0 then io_write(colors.yellow, skipped, colors_reset, ' skipped / ') end if failures > 0 then io_write(colors.red, failures, colors_reset, ' failures / ') end io_write(colors.bright, string.format('%.6f', lester.seconds() - start), colors_reset, ' seconds\n') end end -- Error handler used to get traceback for errors. local function xpcall_error_handler(err) return debug.traceback(tostring(err), 2) end -- Pretty print the line on the test file where an error happened. local function show_error_line(err) local info = debug.getinfo(3) local io_write = io.write local colors_reset = colors.reset local short_src, currentline = info.short_src, info.currentline io_write(' (', colors.blue, short_src, colors_reset, ':', colors.bright, currentline, colors_reset) if err and lester.show_traceback then local fnsrc = short_src..':'..currentline for cap1, cap2 in err:gmatch('\t[^\n:]+:(%d+): in function <([^>]+)>\n') do if cap2 == fnsrc then io_write('/', colors.bright, cap1, colors_reset) break end end end io_write(')') end -- Pretty print the test name, with breadcrumb for the describe blocks. local function show_test_name(name) local io_write = io.write local colors_reset = colors.reset for _,descname in ipairs(names) do io_write(colors.magenta, descname, colors_reset, ' | ') end io_write(colors.bright, name, colors_reset) end --- Declare a test, which consists of a set of assertions. -- @param name A name for the test. -- @param func The function containing all assertions. -- @param enabled If not nil and equals to false, the test will be skipped and this will be reported. function lester.it(name, func, enabled) -- Skip the test silently if it does not match the filter. if lester.filter then local fullname = table.concat(names, ' | ')..' | '..name if not fullname:match(lester.filter) then return end end local io_write = io.write local colors_reset = colors.reset -- Skip the test if it's disabled, while displaying a message if enabled == false then if not lester.quiet then io_write(colors.yellow, '[SKIP] ', colors_reset) show_test_name(name) io_write('\n') else -- Show just a character hinting that the test was skipped. local o = (lester.utf8term and lester.color) and quiet_o_char or 'o' io_write(colors.yellow, o, colors_reset) end skipped = skipped + 1 total_skipped = total_skipped + 1 return end -- Execute before handlers. for _,levelbefores in pairs(befores) do for _,beforefn in ipairs(levelbefores) do beforefn(name) end end -- Run the test, capturing errors if any. local success, err if lester.show_traceback then success, err = xpcall(func, xpcall_error_handler) else success, err = pcall(func) if not success and err then err = tostring(err) end end -- Count successes and failures. if success then successes = successes + 1 total_successes = total_successes + 1 else failures = failures + 1 total_failures = total_failures + 1 end -- Print the test run. if not lester.quiet then -- Show test status and complete test name. if success then io_write(colors.green, '[PASS] ', colors_reset) else io_write(colors.red, '[FAIL] ', colors_reset) end show_test_name(name) if not success then show_error_line(err) end io_write('\n') else if success then -- Show just a character hinting that the test succeeded. local o = (lester.utf8term and lester.color) and quiet_o_char or 'o' io_write(colors.green, o, colors_reset) else -- Show complete test name on failure. io_write(last_succeeded and '\n' or '', colors.red, '[FAIL] ', colors_reset) show_test_name(name) show_error_line(err) io_write('\n') end end -- Print error message, colorizing its output if possible. if err and lester.show_error then if lester.color then local errfile, errline, errmsg, rest = err:match('^([^:\n]+):(%d+): ([^\n]+)(.*)') if errfile and errline and errmsg and rest then io_write(colors.blue, errfile, colors_reset, ':', colors.bright, errline, colors_reset, ': ') if errmsg:match('^%w([^:]*)$') then io_write(colors.red, errmsg, colors_reset) else io_write(errmsg) end err = rest end end io_write(err, '\n\n') end io.flush() -- Stop on failure. if not success and lester.stop_on_fail then if lester.quiet then io_write('\n') io.flush() end lester.exit() end -- Execute after handlers. for _,levelafters in pairs(afters) do for _,afterfn in ipairs(levelafters) do afterfn(name) end end last_succeeded = success end --- Set a function that is called before every test inside a describe block. -- A single string containing the name of the test about to be run will be passed to `func`. function lester.before(func) local levelbefores = befores[level] if not levelbefores then levelbefores = {} befores[level] = levelbefores end levelbefores[#levelbefores+1] = func end --- Set a function that is called after every test inside a describe block. -- A single string containing the name of the test that was finished will be passed to `func`. -- The function is executed independently if the test passed or failed. function lester.after(func) local levelafters = afters[level] if not levelafters then levelafters = {} afters[level] = levelafters end levelafters[#levelafters+1] = func end --- Pretty print statistics of all test runs. -- With total success, total failures and run time in seconds. function lester.report() local now = lester.seconds() local colors_reset = colors.reset io.write(lester.quiet and '\n' or '', colors.green, total_successes, colors_reset, ' successes / ', colors.yellow, total_skipped, colors_reset, ' skipped / ', colors.red, total_failures, colors_reset, ' failures / ', colors.bright, string.format('%.6f', now - (lester_start or now)), colors_reset, ' seconds\n') io.flush() return total_failures == 0 end --- Exit the application with success code if all tests passed, or failure code otherwise. function lester.exit() -- Collect garbage before exiting to call __gc handlers collectgarbage() collectgarbage() os.exit(total_failures == 0, true) end local expect = {} --- Expect module, containing utility function for doing assertions inside a test. lester.expect = expect --- Converts a value to a human-readable string. -- If the final string not contains only ASCII characters, -- then it is converted to a Lua hexdecimal string. function expect.tohumanstring(v) local s = tostring(v) if s:find'[^ -~\n\t]' then -- string contains non printable ASCII return '"'..s:gsub('.', function(c) return string.format('\\x%02X', c:byte()) end)..'"' end return s end --- Check if a function fails with an error. -- If `expected` is nil then any error is accepted. -- If `expected` is a string then we check if the error contains that string. -- If `expected` is anything else then we check if both are equal. function expect.fail(func, expected) local ok, err = pcall(func) if ok then error('expected function to fail', 2) elseif expected ~= nil then local found = expected == err if not found and type(expected) == 'string' then found = string.find(tostring(err), expected, 1, true) end if not found then error('expected function to fail\nexpected:\n'..tostring(expected)..'\ngot:\n'..tostring(err), 2) end end end --- Check if a function does not fail with a error. function expect.not_fail(func) local ok, err = pcall(func) if not ok then error('expected function to not fail\ngot error:\n'..expect.tohumanstring(err), 2) end end --- Check if a value is not `nil`. function expect.exist(v) if v == nil then error('expected value to exist\ngot:\n'..expect.tohumanstring(v), 2) end end --- Check if a value is `nil`. function expect.not_exist(v) if v ~= nil then error('expected value to not exist\ngot:\n'..expect.tohumanstring(v), 2) end end --- Check if an expression is evaluates to `true`. function expect.truthy(v) if not v then error('expected expression to be true\ngot:\n'..expect.tohumanstring(v), 2) end end --- Check if an expression is evaluates to `false`. function expect.falsy(v) if v then error('expected expression to be false\ngot:\n'..expect.tohumanstring(v), 2) end end --- Returns raw tostring result for a value. local function rawtostring(v) local mt = getmetatable(v) if mt then setmetatable(v, nil) end local s = tostring(v) if mt then setmetatable(v, mt) end return s end -- Returns key suffix for a string_eq table key. local function strict_eq_key_suffix(k) if type(k) == 'string' then if k:find('^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9]*$') then -- string is a lua field return '.'..k elseif k:find'[^ -~\n\t]' then -- string contains non printable ASCII return '["'..k:gsub('.', function(c) return string.format('\\x%02X', c:byte()) end)..'"]' else return '["'..k..'"]' end else return string.format('[%s]', rawtostring(k)) end end --- Compare if two values are equal, considering nested tables. function expect.strict_eq(t1, t2, name) if rawequal(t1, t2) then return true end name = name or 'value' local t1type, t2type = type(t1), type(t2) if t1type ~= t2type then return false, string.format("expected types to be equal for %s\nfirst: %s\nsecond: %s", name, t1type, t2type) end if t1type == 'table' then if getmetatable(t1) ~= getmetatable(t2) then return false, string.format("expected metatables to be equal for %s\nfirst: %s\nsecond: %s", name, expect.tohumanstring(t1), expect.tohumanstring(t2)) end for k,v1 in pairs(t1) do local ok, err = expect.strict_eq(v1, t2[k], name..strict_eq_key_suffix(k)) if not ok then return false, err end end for k,v2 in pairs(t2) do local ok, err = expect.strict_eq(v2, t1[k], name..strict_eq_key_suffix(k)) if not ok then return false, err end end elseif t1 ~= t2 then return false, string.format("expected values to be equal for %s\nfirst:\n%s\nsecond:\n%s", name, expect.tohumanstring(t1), expect.tohumanstring(t2)) end return true end --- Check if two values are equal. function expect.equal(v1, v2) local ok, err = expect.strict_eq(v1, v2) if not ok then error(err, 2) end end --- Check if two values are not equal. function expect.not_equal(v1, v2) if expect.strict_eq(v1, v2) then local v1s, v2s = expect.tohumanstring(v1), expect.tohumanstring(v2) error('expected values to be not equal\nfirst value:\n'..v1s..'\nsecond value:\n'..v2s, 2) end end return lester --[[ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Eduardo Bart (https://github.com/edubart) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]]